Rirkrit Tiravanija created a mirrored tea room made of steel on top of base stones where Okayama castle use to be.
Zen garden was expressed by scaffolding for construction site.
Ikebana was expressed as 3D printing of cherry blossom.
I was honored to be hosting tea ceremonies in this contemporary tea room during the summit.
Instead of a usual Hanging scroll, we hang Rirkrit's work, a huge apron with a slogan from May 68 "SOUS LES PAVES LA PLAGE"
Rirkrit's message by this tea room is to have no boundaries
床の間には3Dプリンティングの桜の木とお軸のかわりにリクリットの作品、でっかいエプロンに5月革命のスローガン"SOUS LES PAVES LA PLAGE" (すべての石畳の下には海岸がある)を飾りました

Images by Yoshiko Kondo, Hajime Kimura, Juri Ueda and Casa Brutus